Volunteer Firefighter Ottawa
This F.A.Q provides basic information for people planning a career/future in firefighting, also those deciding on become a firefighter into the nearer future or current. Industry specialists could also reference these details to confirm information about OFS instruction and recruitment methods
Knowledge Needs
Does OFS have preferred colleges to attend for Firefighter training/to come to be a Firefighter?
OFS does not endorse one educational institution over another. It will be to the given individual to investigate the organization and decide what they feel is the best for all of them.
Volunteering, Cooperative Education & Options for Development
I want to come to be a Firefighter one-day! Does OFS offer any junior firefighting volunteer/training options for young adults?
OFS does not currently offer a junior Firefighter system. We do help that is designed to educate women about a vocation in firefighting.
I would like to come to be a Firefighter one-day! Does OFS provide cooperative knowledge placements for kids?
Yes, OFS typically features four (4) yearly openings for co-op pupils. Considering safety reasons co-op pupils often do their particular placements in an office setting.
Recruitment Process and Application Details
How frequently does OFS recruit Firefighters?
Every 2 yrs the town of Ottawa starts an innovative new competitors the place of probationary fire fighters. Candidates are selected for interviews centered on their positioning within competition. The number of recruits chosen annually varies.
Exactly how many recruits does OFS hire normally if they undertake a recruitment campaign?
In 2015 OFS hired 36 brand-new fulltime recruit fire fighters for metropolitan functions.
See also:
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