Pleasantville Volunteer Fire Department
PLEASANTVILLE, NY — enjoy nationwide Fire protection Week utilizing the Pleasantville Volunteer Fire division on Oct. 15.
The Open home is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
View and take part in real time demontrations:
- Car Extrication
- Hose Line Procedure
- Fire Extingisher Operation
- Firefighter Equipment
- Smoke home (to crawl through!)
Find out about:
- Fire security in your home
- Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors
- Volunteer Firefighter Blue Lights (NYS Move Over Law)
- discovering 2 Ways Out of Your Home
- Becoming A Volunteer
In addition joining the PVFD will likely be people they know from the Pleasantville Volunteer Ambulance Corps, therefore get and find out about the crisis health Services that keep you safe and healthier.
Food and beverages will be offered. You will see giveaways for all ages!
Any questions, kindly send an email through this event or call 914-769-2336 and then leave a message for Madison.
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